Part 1: Flea Market
On June 25th SomethingDrastic produced a special event to help raise funds for the rebuilding of Tohoku. By bringing together international and Japanese artists, Something Drastic was able to raise millions of yen for the Japanese Red Cross Society, with the final total to be announced on August 1st.
The event was divided into three sections. From 7-9pm artists including Marty Friedman, ICONIQ, alan and May J ran their own personal flea market booths, offering their time, skills and items to the public. Other stars including Jay’ed, Tokio Hotel, AI, Anna Tsiuchiya, Thelma Aoyama and Naoto Inti Raymi donated their personal items for sale, while our kind sponsors Alfa Romeo, Reebok, H&M, Vitamin Water and Moet Henessy Diageo offered goods in return for donations.
In addition, some of Tokyo’s hippest fashion brands offered services and goods including Yuya Nara (Shima), Yoon, Mademoiselle Yulia, Garter, Spank! and Banzai (AKA Yoichi). Music was provided by Vancliffe.D [Elli Rose] & DJ MiTo, visuals by VJ aKemi.
For more information –>
For more one parts 2 & 3 of the event, please check ‘Projects’.